Mole Removal: What You Need to Know

Moles are among the most common skin irregularities around, and many people are not happy with the appearance of their moles. Fortunately, removing cosmetic moles can be a fairly simple process, and at Laser Lights Cosmetic Laser Center, our licensed and experienced estheticians can skillfully remove a variety of moles and leave patients with clearer skin. To help you learn more about this procedure and if it may be an option for you, we have compiled some of the most common questions patients ask about laser mole removal.Mole removal is the removal of a growth on the body for cosmetic or medical reasons. Moles can be removed from a variety of different areas of the body and with a variety of different techniques.

As facial plastic surgeons, we specialize in removing moles on the face, neck and scalp. Because any pigmented lesion has cancerous potential, moles should only be removed by a dermatologist who has the ability to send them to a laboratory for evaluation, interpret the results, and treat them appropriately. The laser will only be used on the mole (or moles) to be removed, so that no other skin is affected. The precision of a laser treatment means that only the mole is removed and the surrounding tissue remains intact and healthy. Some moles penetrate deep into the skin and their complete removal may require a few stitches to close the wound.

Laser mole removal is often best suited for smaller moles that are flat or only slightly raised above the skin. Although you've probably heard of several home remedies, it's best to leave mole removal in the hands of professionals. When a biopsy is performed, usually only part of the nevus, lesion, or mole is removed for diagnosis and the remaining amount is left behind. We can help you review your medical history and each individual mole and then work with you to determine if laser removal is the best option. We've talked about the mole removal process and when to seek medical attention for a suspicious mole. A beautician is a licensed skin care professional trained in beautifying the skin's epidermis only through facials, makeup, eyelash extensions, and hair removal.

Estheticians focus on the surface of the skin; however, there are some cases where beauticians work under the supervision of a dermatologist. We can remove the mole and send the tissue to the pathologist for examination under a microscope to rule out problems such as skin cancer. The most important problems with mole removal tend to be the risks of recurrence (mainly with shaving or cauterization techniques) or with visible scars (especially with excision techniques).

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